Get Involved!
The Workgroup is looking for individuals with experience and expertise in a broad range of disciplines, including students and retirees, to assist in this groundbreaking project.
Volunteers are needed to:
Facilitate communication among stakeholder groups including commissions, advocacy groups, coalitions, and professional associations that address the needs of elders, people with disabilities, domestic violence survivors, caregivers, long term care consumers, and others.
- Join sub-groups to develop strategies to address specific areas of need.
- Research and write short articles or content for the California Elder Justice Workgroup Wiki site and other communication vehicles.
- Raise awareness among policy makers and key stakeholders about elder abuse and developments in the field.
- Identify unmet needs and solutions by assisting with surveys, focus groups, and interviews with key stakeholders.
Share elder abuse service and prevention practices and innovations in your communities.
If you would like to get involved, contact us at
Comments (1)
Adria E. Navarro said
at 4:05 pm on Mar 15, 2010
Let me know some concrete ways I can be of assistance.
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