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Technical Advisory Group
Page history
last edited
by Krista Brown 13 years, 8 months ago
Get Involved!
CEJW Staff and Steering Committee members are currently recruiting key stakeholders, collaborators, policy makers, researchers, university faculty, representatives from professional associations, and opinion leaders who will be invited to serve on the Technical Advisory Group (TAG).
The primary role of the TAG is to provide advice and expertise to our Elder Abuse Statewide Summit and Blueprint project by providing feedback on documents, identifying resources, providing input and recognizing opportunities to collect and disseminate information.
TAG Members (to date)
- Abby Abinanti, Chief Judge, Yurok Tribe
- Georgia Anetzberger, President-Elect, National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (NCPEA)
- Nora Baladerian, Director, Disability, Abuse & Personal Rights (DAPR) Project - Spectrum Institute
- Bill Benson, National Policy Advisor to the National Association of Adult Protective Services (NAPSA)
- Bob Blancato, National Coordinator, Elder Justice Coalition
- Priscilla Camp, Elder Law Attorney, Camp Rousseau Montgomery, LLP
- M.T. Connolly, Fellow, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
- Lynn Daucher, Former Director, California Department of Aging
- John Dussich, Professor, California State University, Fresno
- Mark Hankin, Attorney, Law Offices of Mark B. Hankin
- Naomi Karp, Strategic Policy Advisor, AARP Public Policy Institute Consumer and State Affairs Team
- Kathy Kelly, Executive Director, Family Caregiver Alliance
- Dave Knitter, Attorney, Knitter and Knitter LLP
- Daniel Marson, Professor, University of Alabama
- Cheryl Phillips, Medical Director, On Lok Lifeways
- Kathleen Quinn, Executive Director, National Adult Protective Services (NAPSA)
- Kathy Sniffen, Aging and Elder Abuse Consultant
Technical Advisory Group
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