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Update on AB 2493 Conservatee Photograph Bill
AB 2493 introduced by Assembly Member Jean Fuller, would require public guardians to possess a clear photograph of wards or conservatees and would further require a public guardian to share the photo with local law enforcement if the ward or conservatee is reported lost or missing. This measure is being sponsored by San Bernardino County as a means to provide local law enforcement with information on lost or missing conservatees.
AB 2493 goes to the Senate Floor on Thursday, June 24 and supporters are hoping for a unanimous vote (it received a unanimous vote in the Assembly). If it passes in the Senate, it goes to the Governor, who has 12 days to sign it. Supporters expect the Governor to sign the bill which would be enacted into law by mid-July.
Click here for more information on AB 2493
Support AB 2555 Ombudsman Funding Bill
AB 2555 introduced by Assembly Members Feuer, Nielsen, Jones, and Monning if passed will restore some funding to local long-term care ombudsman programs, by utilizing a portion of the penalties paid by nursing homes that provide substandard care.
AB 2555 includes the same language as the bill (AB392) that was passed last year. It provides a $1.6 million dollar allocation to local ombudsman programs across the state for fiscal year 2010-2011. This does not cost the State General Fund and does not increase taxes. The next step is that AB 2555 will be heard and voted on by the Assembly within the next few days and your support is critical. Write a letter to your assembly member today!
Click here for a AB 2555 Fact Sheet
Click here for a letter that you may adapt or sign and send, via fax or email
To find your assembly member click the link below and type in your address.
Strengthening Health and Safety Protections for ALF Residents
The Assisted Living Consumer Alliance is soliciting input on state inspections of assisted living facilities. Specifically, they are researching which type of inspections are more likely to strengthen health and safety protections for residents. In particular, they would appreciate hearing people’s experiences with state inspection protocols (i.e., type, frequency, length) vis-a-vis resident health and safety. Please give your comments to Jody Spiegel at or (323) 648-4724. For more on the Assisted Living Consumer Alliance, see
OVC Wish List for Training and Technical Assistance
The Office for Victims of Crime is assessing the training and technical assistance needs of victim services providers through its online National Training and Technical Assistance Needs Assessment Survey. OVC provides elder abuse speakers and consultants to local, state, tribal, and national programs. Programs wanting assistance complete a relatively simple proposal, and services are provided free of charge to successful applicants. For a list of frequently requested topics, see:
GAO Conducts Elder Abuse Study
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) is conducting a study on elder abuse at the request of the US Senate Aging Committee. The initiative seeks to address the following issues: 1) What are the nature and extent of data collected on the incidence of the various types of elder abuse nationwide? 2) What challenges, if any, affect the ability of Adult Protective Services (APS) agencies to prevent, identify, investigate, and resolve various types of elder abuse? and 3) In what ways does the federal government currently support state and local efforts to prevent, identify, investigate, and resolve cases of elder abuse, and how well does this support address the challenges APS agencies face in this area? As part of the initiative, GAO will conduct site visits in six states and a 50-state survey.
Feel free to send us your thoughts on this issue via email.
Older American's Act (OAA) Reauthorization Feedback: Still Time To Act
In 2011 Congress will consider reauthorization and amendments to the OAA effective in FY 2012. Even if you were not able to make it to a AOA listening forum, you may still provide feedback via the AoA website at
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