  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.



Page history last edited by Krista Brown 13 years, 6 months ago



  • Aging Well in Communities: A Toolkit for Planning, Engagement & Action

The Center for Civic Partnerships has produced a toolkit outlining a community-based planning process to promote healthy aging. “Aging Well in Communities: A Toolkit for Planning, Engagement & Action” is a user-friendly guide to help local governments, human service providers, community groups and other partners plan now to address both the challenges and opportunities that are coming. To view the report, download the toolkit and access Aging Well links, visit http://www.civicpartnerships.org/docs/services/CHCC/aging-well.htm


  • CA Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) Launches Consumer Wiki

DCA has launched a new self-help service that offers consumers a wealth of information on numerous consumer topics, including contact names and telephone numbers for further assistance, on thousands of subjects. Topics range from those consumer issues over which DCA has jurisdiction, such as auto repair and contractors, to other areas such as landlord-tenant issues, buying or selling a home, and financial investments. To learn more, visit http://consumerwiki.dca.ca.gov/wiki/index.php/Main_Page


  • New 2011 CA Consumer Laws are Released

On the Los Angeles Dept of Consumer Affairs website they have posted the top new consumer laws passed in California, plus select Federal laws. To access summaries of the 2011 Consumer Laws, including the bill number, chapter number, and code section,
visit: http://www.dca.lacounty.gov/ConsumerLaws11.htm





  • Newly released NASW Standards for Social Work Practice With Family Caregivers of Older Adults

Designed to enhance social work practice with family caregivers of older adults and to help the public understand the role of professional social work in supporting informal caregivers. The standards were developed as part of Professional Partners Supporting Family Caregivers, a partnership among the AARP Foundation, U.S. Administration on Aging, Family Caregiver Alliance, and National Association of Social Workers, and funded by the John A. Hartford Foundation. Download the PDF document at http://www.socialworkers.org/practice/standards/NASWFamilyCaregiverStandards.pdf



Elder Abuse


  • Mandatory Reporting Video and Curriculum for Facility Staff 

The CA Department of Justice has posted to their website a link to the mandated reporter DVD, Your Legal Duty, Reporting Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse.  They have also included a text version of the curriculum. To access, visit  http://ag.ca.gov/bmfea/



  • Office of Victims Initiative Focuses on Future of Victim Services 

The Office for Victims of Crime has announced a new initiative, Vision 21: Transforming Victim Services to “expand the vision and impact of the crime victims' field.”  The initiative provides an important new opportunity to highlight the needs of elderly victims. For more, see http://ovc.ncjrs.gov/vision21/


  • Secrets in America

A documentary on elder abuse produced by Dave Jones, Director of Communications and Legislative Affairs, Stanislaus County, was recently picked up by the National Educational Telecommunications Association, and has been made available to all Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) affiliates. Advocates are encouraged to contact local PBS affiliates to ask that it be shown. Organizations that work with seniors or children of seniors are encouraged to show the film locally as an educational tool or as a training tool for staff. To view the complete video, go to www.secretsinamerica.org



Financial Abuse & Exploitation


  • Guide to Help Victims of Identity Theft

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has created a guide to help attorneys and victim advocates provide legal assistance to identity theft victims.  Geared toward resolving issues out of court, the Guide for Assisting Identity Theft Victims (www.idtheft.gov/probono) describes how advocates can intervene with creditors, credit reporting agencies, debt collectors, and others.   The Guide includes sample dispute letters for victims and sample attorney follow-up letters to address matters victims are unable to resolve. It also provides checklists, an ID Theft Affidavit, a Victim’s Action Log, federal statutes and regulations, consumer education material, and links to online resources.  For now, the guide is online only.  We hope to have a print version available some time in 2011.  A full press release about the guide can be found at http://www.ftc.gov/opa/2010/10/idtheft.shtm


  • New Initiative on Financial Abuse Enlists Doctors 
    The Investor Protection Trust (IPT), a nonprofit education organization, recently released a survey that suggests that Financial Fraud Against the Elderly affects one in five Americans over the age of 65 (that's 7.3 million seniors!).  IPT is a partner in the Elder Investment Fraud and Financial Exploitation Prevention Project along with the North American Securities Administrators Association and the National Adult Protective Services Association. The partners work in cooperation with leading U.S. medical associations, including the American Academy of Family Physicians, the National Area Health Education Center Organization and the National Association of Geriatric Education Centers. The goal is to help medical professionals and APS workers spot financial abuse targeting older Americans and then report it to state securities regulators. Download the full PDF report at: http://www.investorprotection.org/downloads/pdf/learn/research/EIFFE_Survey_Report.pdf


  • Also for docs - the "Clinician's Pocket Guide" of questions, tips, and resources about protecting the elderly against fraud was created by Baylor College of Medicine’s Texas Consortium Geriatric Education Center as part of the Elder Investment Fraud and Financial Exploitation program through a grant from the Investor Protection Trust - http://www.investorprotection.org/ 

To download in PDF format, visit http://www.investorprotection.org/downloads/pdf/learn/research/EIFFE_Clinicians_Pocket_Guide.pdf



Mental Health


  • SAMHSA Offers New Toolkit for Senior Living Communities to Promote Mental Health and Suicide Prevention

Statistics show that adults age 65 and older have one of the highest suicide rates of any age group in the United States. In response to this challenge, the Department of Health and Humans Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is providing a new toolkit that teaches staff working in senior living communities how to recognize and take steps to help someone at risk of suicide. The ideas presented in this toolkit can help prevent suicides, promote mental health, and create an environment that will enhance the well-being of residents and staff alike.

To download a copy of the toolkit, please go to http://mentalhealth.samhsa.gov/publications/allpubs/SMA10-4515/

To learn more about SAMHSA, please go to http://mentalhealth.samhsa.gov/

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